Academic Articles and Chapter Books

The Muslim World

In October 2014, Dr. Alwani wrote an article called Maqāṣid Qur᾽āniyya: A Methodology on Evaluating Modern Challenges and Fiqh al-Aqalliyyāt for a special issue of The Muslim World journal entitled “Judaism and Islam in America.”

She also served as the co-editor of the issue. You can find the articles here. See pages 385–388.

Interfaith Just PeaceMaking: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on the New Paradigm of Peace and War

In 2012, Dr. Alwani contributed a book chapter called “Conflict Resolution: Muslim reflection” to the book “Interfaith Just PeaceMaking.” The chapter demonstrates how the Islamic model protects the solidarity of the community and emphasizes the importance of a clear, structured process for solving conflicts. You can read the chapter here.

Setting the Record Straight: Aisha and the Tradition Reclaiming a Lost Legacy

In 2002, Dr. Alwani wrote this paper called “Aicha Istidrakat and Their Methodological Premises: Reclaiming a Stunted Tradition” to draw attention to an important and under-researched area in hadith scholarship, identified with a revisionary body of literature that takes for its scope the verification and validation of prophetic tradition. You can read the paper published in the journal of Women and Civilization here.

Critical Reading in al-Ghazālī’s Usul al Fiah Legal theory Books Qira’a fi Kutub al-Ghazālī al Usulia

In 2001, Dr. Alwani wrote an article analyzing the work of Imam al-Ghazālī in jurisprudence. You can read the article here.

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